Beginner's Guide to React Hooks

Beginner's Guide to React Hooks

There are 12 built-in hooks in React. Here is a quick list:

  1. useState – For managing state in functional components.

  2. useEffect – For side effects like fetching data or updating the DOM.

  3. useContext – To use context values across components.

  4. useReducer – For more complex state logic than useState.

  5. useCallback – To memoize functions and prevent unnecessary re-renders.

  6. useMemo – To memoize values and avoid expensive calculations on every render.

  7. useRef – For accessing DOM elements or persisting values across renders.

  8. useLayoutEffect – Similar to useEffect, but runs synchronously after all DOM mutations.

  9. useImperativeHandle – Customizes the instance value exposed to parent components.

  10. useDebugValue – Helps display custom labels in React DevTools.

  11. useId – Generates unique IDs for elements.

  12. useTransition – For managing transitions in concurrent mode.

These hooks help you manage state, side effects, and other tasks in functional components!

I will add all the links once I write detailed articles on these hooks.

Thanks for reading :)

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